The Spiritual Mysteries of Autumn


It is a joy to guide you with the vibration of pure tones in the Lotus Heart Sound Journey, to stabilize and harmonize any tentative inner walking, as equality and wisdom of self, births a greater expression of union.  When we retune the self, we assist Mother Earth to restore her natural vibration in harmony, re-weaving her energies in the Web of Life.  Keep your energy body harmonically happy and humming, practice internal cultivation regularly in a sound healing journey.  Center in your ‘mind-in-the-heart, as you mindfully pull weeds of entanglement, reap your harvest from last year, and wholeheartedly plant new seeds of truth in the soil of your soul.

  1. Purification ~ Release, Empty, WEEDS OF ENTANGLEMENT -- what no longer serves a purpose to create opportunity for the new (i.e. fear, resentment, control, guilt, judgment, shame, etc.)

  2. Transmutation ~ This is a powerful energetic time to allow yourself to step into your FULL EXPRESSION of ONE SELF, unfolding the lotus petals     of self, one at a time.

What do I want to bring change to in my life?

  1. HARVEST last years’ full flowering of intentional seed truths with gratitude.  SIMPLIFY. HARMONIZE. JUST BE.

  2. Remove any/all WEEDS OF ENTANGLEMENT in your soulful inner garden

  3. PLANT new seeds (goals dreams visions) – SEED TRUTHS

  4. Align with Nature and the Angelic Kingdom.

  5. Archangel MICHAEL governs this season – guides us to align with our higher nature.

Subtle energy (spiritually) awakens us to a more direct focused LIGHT within – prompting us to know our birthright, as spiritual beings, sparks of light, soulfully animating our sacred physical temple – ONE with the Nature of All Things – a seamless reality.

  1. MYSTERY of The NUMBER FOUR – the rhythm of manifestation and creating a new foundation.

  2. I INVITE you to write one or more weeds of entanglement to release + one or more seed truths you would like to plant in the soil of your soul this Autumn. (Burn or throw away what you ‘release’ and save your new seed truths as you create a new neural pathway to manifest in the coming year 2018-2019.) Give THANKS for your harvest, identifying what came to fruition.  ‘I/We give thanks for this shared consciousness, for all that is and so it is, helping me to do my part.’ Amen. Amin. Hum. Om Shanti.            (Photo:  Autumn Morning Light)

Lovingly Shared ~ Lee Ann Dzelzkalns©2018 Ageless Dominion Publishing


Soul Calendar & Lemniscate - PART I

