Soul Calendar & Lemniscate - PART I



  Symbols have been guiding and showing me hidden truths for many years.  It was in my investigation of the figure eight or the lemniscate that I came across Rudolf Steiner’s work on the Soul Calendar and the lemniscate.  When I called the Rudolf Steiner library, they were very kind and informative.  They asked me if I was aware of the book by Barbara Betteridge on’ The Soul Calendar and the Lemniscate’.  I ordered the book and found the answers to the unveiling of the lemniscate in my life.


My meditations have been filled with this curvaceous symbol, attempting to speak to me in some fashion – I wasn’t able to grasp the veiled meaning yet.  It brought me to the study of harmonic healing.  It was through the sacred geometry and symbol of the lemniscate, I deepened into the unfolding threads of consciousness.

I have come to understand that the lemniscate is the energetic activation of synthesis and rhythmic movement in the Lotus Heart Sound Journey I have created.  It is the energetic movement and bio-signature of dynamic fluidity of the human soul striving to synthesize with spirit while weaving a tapestry of cosmic consciousness.

I have been offering sound journeys with guided meditation during the seasonal cycles of the Equinoxes and Solstices.  As I began doing this, I became more immersed in the direct energies of the seasons and the voice of the lemniscate in its’ healing potentials.

The soul calendar and the living truths of right relationship birth through the energy of synthesis flowing in a rhythmic measure during the year – as it relates to a living relationship (in-breath and out-breath) between Man and the Cosmos.  Barbara Betteridge says in her book, ‘The Soul Calendar and the Lemniscate’- “Rudolf Steiner described the Soul Calendar (in 1912) as offering a path leading from the human soul to the living Spirit weaving through the Universe.

The original verses of Rudolf Steiner’s Soul Calendar relates to the dynamic movement of the vertical lemniscate as a pathway of initiation to awaken souls’ creative impulses unfolding revelations throughout the year.  The mysteries inherent in the seasonal cycles show us the way.  May these verses radiantly guide you into your truth of being.  (For details please visit -- -- ).  Additionally, visit my dear friend Atonka (her graphics are throughout this sacred series on the soul calendar) for her work with sacred geometry 


Soul Calendar & Lemniscate - Part II


The Spiritual Mysteries of Autumn