Universal Healing Vibration (audio)
I am called to action, with many of you, to gather together in the universal field around the world events, to create a message for us to collectively embody and emanate into our world every day, morning, noon and night.
Invocation & Unified Field
Let’s envision a world of peace love goodwill and solidarity, as we stand together, hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind and soul-to-soul, in a circle of universal oneness.
Let’s enter into our heart center, see and feel our radiant point of light. A line of light, from our heart light, reaches straight down to the heart of the Earth, grounding, anchoring and stabilizing into her depths.
From our radiant heart light, we reach straight up to the heart of heaven, connecting above to the Most High. From our heart light, a horizontal arm of light reaches out right and left to all humanity, as we share our essence in the world.
We have created the universal symbol of an equal-armed cross. It represents fairness, justice, equality, balance, harmony, and right relationship in all things. We connect from our heart-center to each other horizontally, within and without, on the right and left, while vertically oriented to heaven above and earth below. Divine golden white luminous light pours forth over our world, upon all countries, sounding the clarion call of peace and love.
In the name of the Most High, we lovingly invoke Divine Creative Expression ~ to surround, shield, guide and heal, bless our humanity as we come together in solidarity. We call forth and declare peace and protection during this time of devastation, disaster, and war, for the people of Ukraine and Russia. May we awaken and heed the call among nations to heal the schisms, distortions and anything incongruent with our evolving soul and the World Soul of humanity.
May we envision the mercy and compassion of the Divine Mother Sophia, the Great Mother of All Nations, to calm the emotional waters of battle. May human courage and the collective consciousness, work to redirect the hearts and minds of those perpetrating this path of destruction. May our humanity embrace, embody and use its strongest and most benevolent virtue ….. the universal healing vibration code of LOVE. LOVE is the LIGHT of TRUTH. We send it forth from our united being now and each day forth, to ignite our humanity into a new paradigm, a New Earth.
We give thanks for this shared consciousness and for all that is and so it is — helping us to do our parts. Amen. Amin. Hum. OM. Shanti. Shalom. Aho. Yes.
Lovingly & Respectfully Shared ~ Lee Ann Dzelzkalns