Vibration as Pure Magic!


According to Einstein, everything is vibration. In scientific terms, chromotherapy, (light therapy), uses the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation for therapeutic purposes. We cannot really separate light and color as they go hand in hand, much like a marriage or a good relationship. It is all vibration, sound is also a partner to this marriage.  Most understand the magic of sound if we have attended a Lotus Heart Sound Journey.

Einstein determined that energy and matter are dual expressions of the same universal substance ( E=mc2).  We know the rate of vibration creates the form of a substance from solid to energy.  Light is energy and color is a phenomenon from the interaction of energy and matter.  While taking a painting class, I became aware of the color of light.  In Autumn we have a beautiful golden glow that touches the trees bathing the earth in its essence. In Spring, the world becomes green and in Summer a lushness of color stimulatesthe senses.  While traveling, I also noticed how the color of light shifts and transforms.  From the true blue in the oceans to the pure clarity of the mountains.   As humans, we can only see electromagnetic radiation at wavelengths between 380 and 780 nm.  Bees and other creatures can see ultraviolet and infrared radiation which is invisible to the naked human eye.  


Much of Western medicine is limited to Newtonian concepts of the observable, based on the premise that when a body part malfunctions, it is removed or replaced, much like machinery.  Or it is treated with a chemical ingredient to stimulate or suppress certain body systems, again a parts approach.  If we shift to viewing our body to Einstein's theories, we see that we are a complete system with interacting harmonious energetic fields.   This is where the magic comes in!  

Every creature is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions.  On a microcellular level, our body systems communicate not only with chemicals (think of the endocrine system) but with a very faint light called biophotons.  The light has a relationship to oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress  is believed to age our cells.    Light can stimulate cellular metabolism through stimulation of the mitochondrial electron transport chain.  Thus, there are scientific principles in the use of chromotherapy.  

Color puncture is a treatment using a light wand and color crystals applied to the skin.  Colors have a profound effect on us at all levels, physical, mental and emotional.  If our energy levels are blocked or depleted, our body cannot function properly.  Our energy body can be proven through Kirlian photography, which shows a colored halo or coronal discharge surrounding our bodies and all living things, sometimes called the aura.  Conventional medicine uses light to treat neonatal jaundice by exposure to full spectrum light.  Bright white full spectrum light is also being used in the treatment of cancers, seasonal affective disorder, alcohol and drug dependency, eating disorders, jet lag, and shift working.  Exposure to blue light has been found to reduce pain, assist in healing injured tissue and preventing scar formation.  Light enters the body through our eyes and our skin.  Our skin is the body's largest organ system.


We all recognize how sound affects our mood.  Music is used to relax or stimulate us.  Think of movies especially  before talking was introduced and how music was used to create drama. Music is still used in movies and television but it is more subtle as words now carry much of the impact.  The therapeutic effects of sound healing is based on pure tones, overtones and harmonics. These pure tones synchronize our systems, replacing any disorder with order in our bodies.  Sound impacts our DNA, which effects the biophotons in our cells, and changes our brain state from beta ( normal waking state) to theta ( relaxed state).  Our bodies resonate with an orderly system and therefore resets to our original state of being. We can be pulled out of this state of original intent  by everyday events and just living in our modern world.  Western medicine uses sound technology for diagnostic and treatment, such as ultrasound for imaging and for treatment, so we know sound has therapeutic effects. Because our bodies are 70 percent water and sound travels five times more effectively in water than air, it stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a vasodilator.  This opens up our blood vessels helping our cells to become more efficient, calming our emotions and reducing inflammation.


Our bodies are a masterpiece of wholeness, our cells communicate with each other based on a stimulus, whether it is sound, light or color.  I specialize in a whole body treatment by using color and light on the face.  This non-invasive treatment, using a light wand and color crystals, which corresponds to our chakras, affects the entire body system by either stimulating or reducing the biophotons.  Your body becomes harmonic and balanced, a feeling of deep relaxation begins.  Your face is bathed in colors which connect to body organs and will leave you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed.   As the daylight wanes, a color treatment may be just what your body craves.  

If we combine the color therapy with sound, an extraordinary event begins.  I am finding the combination of attending the Lotus Heart Sound journey followed with a Color treatment within a week, enhances the therapeutic effects.   Although each therapy stands alone, the combination produces a profound sense of well-being and relaxation.  Consider a gift for yourself or a loved one this season and book a Lotus Heart Sound Journey and Vibration of Color and Light treatment at    




GRATITUDE in the New Year ….


Spiritual Mysteries of Autumn