Sheila Nyren, Well-Being Consultant, Owner of Spirited Frog
The Frog is a symbol of Awakening, Transformation, and the Transcendence of Spirit.
Spirited Frog offerings include spirit-based services to help you go within and beyond, to release and refresh, to find calm and peace.
OFFERINGS-Private and Group
The Alchemy of Treasure Mapping – A powerful seeing to help you manifest the unfoldment of your life’s path. Helping you to honor and embrace your true self and remember Who You Are.
Spirit-guided Gemstone Bracelet Creations – Gather with family and friends to allow the vibrations of spirit, energy, and color guide you to create your own semi-precious gemstone bracelets.
Wedding and Memorial Videos-A video celebration collage over music.
Sheila @ 262-283-6400
Website coming soon at