12/12/2021 - an Amazing Day!

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

This is an amazing day in many ways!

It is the Feast of Our Lady of Mother of Guadalupe, the miracle that took place 490 years ago. The interesting thing about this anniversary being 490 years ago is that when you add up the word Guadalupe the heart's desire equals a 49. When you look at the 4 and the 9 together the 4 is the foundation of our bodies: it's the 4 chambers of our heart. The 9 represents the word love. Love adds up to 9, and so it represents this wholeness of the heart that beats within us. It’s like a celebration of the anniversary of Guadalupe.

The numbers that represent this day, this year (1 & 2) is like a rhythm when you sing out the numbers 1212221 [drop the zero]. I can almost hear that rhythm on the Lydian chimes. You've got the three 2s in a row which are the angels. It's like the angels will be singing to us that day! When you look at that whole number, the 1 begins it and the 1 ends it. Add up all the numbers and you get 11, which is Jesus - the master of all master numbers. When you bucket the numbers together and allow it to tell us a story the 1 2 is a 3, which is a note of harmony. 1 2 is also the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When you take 1 2 and 1 2 together the 3 plus 3 equals 6. 6 is Maria, our virgin mother Mary. So within this day in this year, we have the Virgin Mary, the Trinity, and Jesus. Wow! It’s a total day of uniting that sacred harmony in the year of 2021 - which adds up to a 5 - which is like the 5-pointed star that we will be soon looking to, for the magi to find Jesus. Also, when you take that star and you curve the 3s around that 5-pointed star it becomes a butterfly, and this year 5 is all about progress: it's about us flying from our cocoon that we were in last year.

When we synthesize all these numbers it tells a beautiful story of harmony: Ave Maria and the Sacred Heart of Jesus coming together. I'm getting the tingles. Could this be a sign of humanity's evolution into the wholeness of the divine feminine and masculine through our hearts’ synthesizing into our full love on that day?

I hope this helps you to feel the immense love of this day!

Kim Hall, Numerology Practitioner


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