GRATITUDE in the New Year ….



Thank you all for being part of the Syinthesis® Community and being the bright LIGHT you are in our Center, and the world.  As we collectively collaborate and care for each other, we radiate our divine essence, our love, our beauty and truth, creating an awesome positive ripple effect that reaches all those in its wake … it is a guiding vibration to awaken everyone you come in contact with. It is your presence and essence that touches another’s biofield.


We have traversed some dark and challenging times in the last years, individually and collectively.  This is when we lean into our True Self and tap into our Truth of Being, knowing (gnosis) and remembering who we are and why we are here. We lean into our collective oneness and say, yes we can do this together!


We are Divine, human beings, eternal and infinite, living the human experience grounding our essence spirit in the heart of the Earth.  Yes, we trust and believe in what is right and true, practicing to walk on holy ground, learning from our life experiences while transforming into a higher frequency.


As we continue to purify our lower nature (ego) and refine our higher nature (soul) to emerge into a synthesized soul-infused personality, our multi-dimensional self, we carry on with our intentional living, planting seeds of truth in the soil of our souls that we may continue to unfold, evolve and elevate in consciousness.  


Our New Age is about sisterhood, brotherhood and community, collaborating and collectively sharing our ideals to create a more peaceful and loving world. Yes, time is  speeding up and we can feel it, as if, we are traveling on a fast train of accelerated energies ….


During this time of the Holy Days/Nights, we maintain an inner focus of hope, love and peace for all.  Walking in Nature helps us embody our truth, reminding us nature is the portal to Presence.  May we practice letting go of our attachments to the challenges in the outer world. We are coming into an amazing time of TRANSFORMATION, Alleluia!


The Winter Solstice was an important time of opening. Connected to the planet Jupiter, which takes 12 years to go around the Sun, consider reflecting on how far you have come from 2010. Astrologically, we are now looking at a new 12 year cycle of Jupiter. It looks as if March (Vernal Equinox) 2023 is a time of major transitions to take place. New frequencies are coming in, supporting us to remember who we are in our divine nature, being the sacred human. We are climbing our inner mountains, grounding our fifth dimension frequencies (soul and angelic) into form.


We are stepping into this new earth energy at the time of the Spring Equinox, replacing 3-D frequencies, groundingenergies in the heart center. Consider all the heart centered focused work we do in our Sound Soul Journeys … this is a purposeful directive in our guidance and facilitation with healing harmonics.

Pull the divine energies of pure love vibration from above into your head down your vertical channel or spine to your heart, out your feet and down to the heart of the Earth.  


Be the equal armed cross, connected above and below, within and without – the healing vibrations of fairness, justice, balance, harmony, equality and right relationship in all things. As we walk the path of the soulful self, toward the Spring Equinox, we will begin to feel more hopeful, more resolute, that we shall live heaven on earth through our hearts. May I/we now declare in the light of our soul(s), I Am/We are living heaven on earth through my/our heart(s)!!


We shall abide in the knowing truth that we are One, we are elevating the vibration of our planet through our self-transformation, our group work and our prayerful intention to create a more enlightened global consciousness.  May all the world be blessed in peace, love, goodwill and solidarity, now and forever more. Amen. Amin. Hum. Om. Shanti. Aho. Yes!



Lovingly shared ~

Lee Ann Dzelzkalns

L A Alchemy

L A Consulting, Inc.

Syinthesis® Sound


Teaching with L A 4.19.23 New Moon


Vibration as Pure Magic!