Spring Equinox — Shift into Balance

The approach of Spring, the Vernal Equinox, vibrates the keynote of balance.  In the sound healing system I work with we are now shifting from the winter’s note of D to the spring note of A.  It is a powerful ‘spring’board for us to jump into a new way of doing and being. The nature spirits speak to us of waking up from wintery hibernation to transformation and renewal.

Springtime symbolizes pure balance as the energies go direct on the equinox.  The energies reflect equal measure of day and night, light and dark, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, the within and the without.  I can feel myself standing at the fulcrum point of a teeter totter, perfectly still on a tightrope, motionless in a headstand, free-flowing in a kayak shooting straight down the middle of rapids hitting the sweet-spot.  Balance. Alignment. Centeredness.  Harmony.

In Preparation for the Vernal Equinox

Set your intentions now, whether you are in session with us for another sound soul journey or not.  Then build your own fire and ritually burn your papers of intention connected to the collective global festivals in the East and the Pagan gatherings in the West.  The Spring Equinox brings us all together in a symbolical global interconnectedness of celebrating balance in the richness of natures’ seasonal rhythms that we are one with. Sit in your quiet center and feel the impressions of your soul guide and support you in creating positive change in your life.  Find the middle path and the middle way, synthesizing any extremes in your life (i.e. attachment/detachment) to find the point of balance, the birth of nonattachment (neutrality) in your life. 

The rhythm of Spring fosters harmonization and stabilization of our well-being, body-mind, heart and soul.  We have opportunity to re-align and re-calibrate any self-distortions and anything incongruent with our evolving soul.  When we reconcile opposition within, we experience a heightened sense of awareness, a point of balance, blending the extremes, as if standing on top of a mountain, because the polarities no longer have a controlling grip on us.  Wow!  It is here we can see for miles, we can see more clearly and we can know with greater clarity.

During your quiet sitting and contemplation time prior to the Spring Equinox, ask yourself a few questions: 

  • Where do I feel an imbalance in my life? 

  • How can I create positive change to bring an internal shift to my constitution and external balance in my surroundings? 

  • Do I feel stressed and anxious? If so, how can I transform any contraction in my body into a relaxed opening?  

  • How can I transmute any emotional attachments into a new behavior of trust?

  • And if your mind doesn’t stop slicing and dicing, analyzing and ruminating —
    are you ready to create clarity from your quiet center and still-point?

You have all the power within to center in your essence self. That power can bring balance to your body, mind, heart, and soul.  The energies of Spring Equinox are the perfect time to tap into these glorious rhythms and seasonal cycle of rebirth, renewal, and resurrection.

Equal light of day and dark of night. Within and without. Balance and harmony are the birthright of our soul.  

Here’s to renewal, to balance, and to peace.
~ l a (Lee Ann) love


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