Winter Solstice Sound Journey Recording


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The beautiful rhythm of Winter slows us down as we enter our cave of hibernation. It is here we seek inner revelation, generate our higher senses through meditation, foster creative insights in preparation for a new birth. Creative expression presents at Winter Solstice, together with the watery energies of the feminine principle and the qualities of birthing.

The LOTUS HEART SOUND JOURNEY is a deepening experience of sound vibration to elicit internal adjustments enlightening one’s sense of being. The spirit of body-mind & heart frees itself in harmonic attunement while settling into balanced breath.

A soothing inner rhythm unfolds a peaceful sway through physical relaxation, emotional calming, mental serenity, soul-filled love and divinity of light. Quite simply, you are restoring yourself back to harmony.

Strengthen the immune system. Stabilize and harmonize any tentative inner walking. Witness the radiant self, the boundless, spaciousness of consciousness and awaken to the Truth of Being, whole and one in the One Life. Self-transformation yields global transformation.

These specialized journeys highlight sound, symbol, color and intention, with the harmonic overtures of Nature’s rhythms and cycles. Lee Ann plays the Tibetan singing bowls, Ganta bell, Meinl Energy Singing Bowls, Lydian chimes, planet gongs, Sounding bowl, Handpan, Koshi chimes, and Pythagorean monochord - to create a healing vibration that surrounds, entrains and allows an inner balance to emerge in the self. The internal adjustments experienced are transformational.

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