You must feel before you can heal to learn the truth of who you are. Click on Services (above) so you can find your path to healing with Lee Ann or any practitioners in Studio BE!

Syinthesis® Sound Healing Center was founded by Lee Ann Dzelzkalns, a wholistic consultant, soul-centered guide, sound healing practitioner, author, catalyst and ordained Interfaith Minister. Through her inspirational writings, guided meditations, and sacred sound journeys, she guides individuals to a path of deep healing, soul growth, and the nature of being whole..

Syinthesis Sound Healing Center in the News
TMJ4’s James Groh visits the center to talk with Lee Ann and experience sound healing first hand.
Fox6 News Reporter Ashley Sears came to Syinthesis to learn about how Lee Ann's Lotus Heart Sound Journeys are helping people through the stress of the pandemic.
Dr. Grace discusses the science behind the power in Lee Ann’s vibrational sound therapy. Learn about how specific musical tones physically impact our neurology and body
Deepa Kannan uncovers the inspiration for Lee Ann’s work, and they discuss how sound can be used to improve the quality of your sleep. Lee Ann also shares a treat from her new book.

“My experience of Lee Ann’s Sound Journey was simply and unexpectedly profound. Rich with meaning and truly unforgettable, the journey has lingered with me and has indeed guided me in subtle, important ways for months since. I continue to explore the messages of a story which surfaced from my subconscious that evening. The experience shed a light ahead of me, and I am so touched by it and grateful to Lee Ann for having provided this opening to begin to see my own deep knowing more clearly.
— Claire Stillman
“As a Musician and Sound Engineer, I adore beautiful music and superb sounds that give me reason to celebrate this incredible World that we all are living in, but sometimes forget to share. Going along on the wonderful and soulful trip that Lee Ann presents helps me remember! Her style of speech, choice of text and her masterful playing of her incredible collection of musical instruments, adds up to a most sincere and deep journey with sound that needs to be experienced by everyone.”
— Victor DeLorenzo
“My company had a presentation on trauma this week. The first step in resolving trauma is a sense of trust. I began to think of Lee Ann's work and how I have been healing. Her work creates a sense of trust in self, and she provides a safe environment to examine issues. Trust in self and the environment are key. The sound vibration relaxes the defenses and guarding that isolates a person from their feelings. Lee Ann's insight into the symbols presented also unlock those interior doors. Opening those doors promotes integration and synthesis. The issues don't magically disappear, but they are now workable instead of a mass of dark confusion. Lee Ann's work is such a gift!”
— Kristin Gillan
“I have experienced profound healing personally and also in my marriage through the Sound Healing 1:1 sessions and Sound Journey sessions with Lee Ann. The Vibration Sound healing is effortless, eases the whole mind, body, soul system. Lee Ann is a one of a kind practitioner who is able to receive you as you are, without judgement and with a pure heart of love and compassion.”
— Dana Frost
During Lee Ann’s Sound Journey work with me, I finally understood, comprehended and believed what Max Planck said in the following quote:
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most-clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much; There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
I felt the following: Lee Ann’s skillful guidance and the vibration from the instruments erased all my physical boundaries. I simply became the collection of atoms vibrating in what used to be my physical body. I became one with the universe. I felt true consciousness.
WOW!!! There is a rumor that Steve Jobs’ last words before he died were: “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” I always thought that he was experiencing the true meaning of the consciousness at that instant. I am glad I felt it much before I died :)
— Kunter Akbay
It is our mission to foster a self-healing approach through the vibration of sound for individuals to experience their innate wisdom. Through sound healing journeys and harmonic overtures, we enhance body awareness, strengthen the vitality of the physical and energy bodies, experience emotional regulation, quiet the mind, free the soul, and express our authentic self.
The hum of the universe is our lifeblood. We are beings of vibration, in active participation with the vibrating world around us. Lee Ann Dzelzkalns guides us in the meditation Lotus Heart Sound Journey she created in 2007. Pure tones with guided imagery in nature, promote self-healing, and the interconnectedness of life.
The carrier wave of pure love vibration based in acoustic feminine wisdom leads us to the stillness of our quiet center, to the silence of who we are. Through a synthesis of self we begin to balance and harmonize any tentative inner walking, dissolve self-distortions, and embody our true nature as divine human beings (being one with the universal fabric of life). Self-transformation yields global transformation.
"View From the Mountaintop"
Revised Edition
Hard Cover, Soft Cover, Audiobook
Oracle Card Deck
Upcoming Sound Journeys
Click below to see the schedule/calendar of Lotus Heart Sound Journeys and to register