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Article, Numerology Alissa Effland Article, Numerology Alissa Effland

12/12/2021 - an Amazing Day!

When we synthesize all these numbers it tells a beautiful story of harmony: Ave Maria and the Sacred Heart of Jesus coming together. Could this be a sign of humanity's evolution into the wholeness of the divine feminine and masculine through our hearts’ synthesizing into our full love on that day?

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Autumnal Equinox

The spiritual mysteries around this seasonal cycle are Purification AND Transmutation. It is a joy to guide you with the vibration of pure tones, to stabilize and harmonize any tentative inner walking, as equality and wisdom of self, births a greater expression of union...

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Summer Solstice Keynote

Soon we shall embark upon the ritualistic endeavor of the Summer Solstice, the power of light. Early alchemists taught that true illumination and at-one-ment would be formed from a union of the Sun and the Moon. It is a time of blending the masculine and feminine nature within, for greater expression of a higher birth...

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