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Crisis Precedes Transformation
The nature of our time calls for deep healing collectively and personally. Through this current worldwide health crisis, we are learning that self-care and nurturance are a priority, while we reach out to help those in need...
The Spiritual Mysteries of Autumn
When we retune the self, we assist Mother Earth to restore her natural vibration in harmony, re-weaving her energies in the Web of Life...
The Pythagorean Monochord Table
Through the conduction of sound, as you lie upon the monochord table, you become part of the ensemble. You are one with the harmonic overture, not only hearing the beautiful overtones but feeling them, deeply, vibrating your entire body. Can you imagine?...
Lydian Chimes Chakra Tones Part I - 4:27 (Pythagorean System)
Take time in preparation for your day to strengthen your subtle body and your energy centers.
Vibration Healing
Quite literally, the vibration of sound has a powerful effect on human consciousness. Thus vibration healing, an ancient technique of energetic healing, quiets the chatter of the mind, transforms inner chaos to calm, while soothing physical tensions...
The Sonata of the Master Musician
Sound gives birth to all that is. It is the power behind existence itself, and the universe is merely its outer effect. At first glance this may seem a strange notion...
The Mandala of Sound
A mandala is a synthesized structure organizing itself around a center point, unified, whole and one...
The Harmonic Union of Imagery & Sound Healing
It’s common sense that music affects mood, but the vibrational energy that makes up sound can affect us in much more significant ways. Sound therapists recognize that vibrational energy can slow the heart beat, relax the rate of breathing, lower blood pressure or skin temperature...
How Sound Healing Works
As music is vibration, our emotions and thoughts are vibration too. Sound unlocks whatever may be buried within our cells – though the vibration must match...
Two laws of Physics as it relates to Sound Healing
Our cellular structure and nervous system is affected by vibration. Music and sound vibration carves new neural pathways through the brain, where memory and emotion co-mingle...
The Sound Mandala of Harmonization
Mandala in SANSKRIT means CIRCLE. It’s a synthesized structure organizing itself around a unified point or center. It reveals how we are connected from this unified center, thus representing wholeness, oneness, and unity...
Heart of Heaven and Earth
Watch "Good Morning with Lee Ann" - Episode 29 "Heart of Heaven and Earth"