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Solstice Synthesis of Self
Listen as Lee Ann shares her thoughts on the importance of Summer Solstice.
Vibration Healing
Quite literally, the vibration of sound has a powerful effect on human consciousness. Thus vibration healing, an ancient technique of energetic healing, quiets the chatter of the mind, transforms inner chaos to calm, while soothing physical tensions...
The Sonata of the Master Musician
Sound gives birth to all that is. It is the power behind existence itself, and the universe is merely its outer effect. At first glance this may seem a strange notion...
The Principal of Intention
Everything we are or ever will become comes to us as a result of the content of our minds.’ William James the great philosopher instilled in us the simple truth, we certainly can be what we set our mind on...
The Mandala of Sound
A mandala is a synthesized structure organizing itself around a center point, unified, whole and one...
The Inner Doorway of Empowered Grace
Through the Inner Doorway of Self we Unfold — like a beautiful flower opening and growing into its fullest expression of flower-ness – one petal at a time, uncovering, discovering, and recovering the beauty, goodness and truth of its connection to the Nature of ALL Things...
The Harmonic Union of Imagery & Sound Healing
It’s common sense that music affects mood, but the vibrational energy that makes up sound can affect us in much more significant ways. Sound therapists recognize that vibrational energy can slow the heart beat, relax the rate of breathing, lower blood pressure or skin temperature...
Personality or Soul?
Luminescent golden fingers of dawn light the morning sky as I mindfully water flowers in our sanctuary, a moving meditation of sorts. Consciousness ebbs and flows about our time together in Indianapolis...
Oneness: Interfaith Inspiration
“God is like a mirror. The mirror never changes but everyone who looks at it sees a different face.” — Midrash Tanhama (Judaism)
Mountain Spirits
Mountains, valleys and canyons have always been a source of inspiration to me. Nature Spirits whisper in my ears when I sleep at night (visiting the sacred canyon lands) offering rejuvenation, enfoldment, self-empowerment, and remembrance...
Mindful Practice
As we direct our awareness inward, we begin to experience in a clear fashion the accumulation of tension and contraction, even uneasiness of our body. With this mindful practice we begin to distinguish what the innate wisdom of our body is saying to us through our feelings, our pain, our joy and our discomfort...
How to Cultivate Right Relationship with Nature
We are learning to cultivate a higher understanding of sacred sound, sacred symbol and right relationship in our daily existence. By measure, we may not be conscious of this happening, but this is a natural phenonmena...
How Sound Healing Works
As music is vibration, our emotions and thoughts are vibration too. Sound unlocks whatever may be buried within our cells – though the vibration must match...
A Time of Golden Opportunity
A time of glorious transition into a new age of Universal Synthesis is upon us. It requires each of us to step through our inner doorway to balance the imbalances in our mind body and spirit...
SYiNTHESIS® Sound Alchemy
We are all in a significant time of transition. Each of us is being asked, on a soulful level, to let go of old conditioned patterns of behavior and thought, to move toward a harmonious, synthesized self...
Acoustic Feminine Wisdom
The divine feminine is the interconnected oneness of all creation. It is through the nature of the feminine we recognize the soul in all of life. This energetic force expresses HER self through vibration. Sound is the creative force behind all things, the power behind our existence...
It is a time of GREAT CHANGE. We are evolutionary creatures moving into a major shift in this new age. This transformative time in how we experience ourselves in the human process is based on the transition into the Aquarian Age from the 2,000-year Piscean Age...
Two laws of Physics as it relates to Sound Healing
Our cellular structure and nervous system is affected by vibration. Music and sound vibration carves new neural pathways through the brain, where memory and emotion co-mingle...
Unfoldment of Self
In each one of us is planted a seed, a seed of unlimited potential, some call it the God-seed, other Buddha-hood, This seed of utmost expression, reveals the hidden potentials of the soul in divine right time and order...
Prayer to the Four Winds
We greet you, O Spirit of the East. You usher in the dawn on your breeze; you stretch forth your fingers and paint our skies. We honor you for your presence...