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The Spiritual Mysteries of Autumn
When we retune the self, we assist Mother Earth to restore her natural vibration in harmony, re-weaving her energies in the Web of Life...
Woman as Personification of Nature
Nicholas and Helena Roerich believed in the essential goodness life, love, nature and the spirit of human-kind. They created the ‘Banner of the East’ series reflecting the world’s religious teachers, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Confucius, and Buddha, Indian and Christian saints and sages...
Lotus Heart Yantra
The Yantra is a sacred geometric design that provides a resonate focal point that is a window into the Absolute...
The Pythagorean Monochord Table
Through the conduction of sound, as you lie upon the monochord table, you become part of the ensemble. You are one with the harmonic overture, not only hearing the beautiful overtones but feeling them, deeply, vibrating your entire body. Can you imagine?...
Nature + Sound Healing
Nature + Sound Healing elevates 'heart coherence' which over time creates resilience in our constitution...
Calm Rest Time (for ages 3 - 6) 3:19
This three minute guidance is for little children seeking to find their inner calm and quiet center. Good for nap time in preschool or preparation for bedtime.
Pink Deep Relax (7-12 year olds) 3:18
A simple and relaxing guidance using the power of imagination to assist in manifesting the relaxation response.
Lydian Chimes Chakra Alignment Part II (4:24)
Listen to the pure tones of the chakras and be guided to weave and synthesize the lemniscate or vertical figure 8 in your field of energy using your imagination.
Lydian Chimes Chakra Tones Part I - 4:27 (Pythagorean System)
Take time in preparation for your day to strengthen your subtle body and your energy centers.
Daily Preparation (Coherence in BodyMind) 2:51
This three minute gentle guidance invokes the harmony and essence of breath.
Waves Flow (Relax with Nature and Just Be): 2:27
Listen and Flow with the rhythms of nature, the waves peacefully pulsing upon the shoreline. Deepen into the synchronicity of the moment and the pureness of Presence.
Daily Attunement in Synthesis of Self: 12:38
This is a shortened version of the preparation, invocation and essence of The Lotus Heart Sound Journey with spoken audio only.
Gentle Waves (Relax and Align in the Day): 3:14
This is a simple and beautiful guidance recorded in Nature on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.
Global Peace Invocation (12:44 minutes)
Listen to this audio recording and imagine sitting in a global circle, interconnected with All That Is, generating an impulse of deep peace through our individual and collective intentions.
Synthesis: A Meditation of Vibrational Transformation
Listen to this guided meditation that elicits an energetic activation of ‘Synthesis’ through subtle sound vibration, intention, voice, and breath.
Children enjoy Vibrations of Sound and Color
Vide: Lee Ann leads a fun and relaxing session with mindful children from the North Shore Montessori School.
Open Through Self-Distortion
Video: Sit with Lee Ann at the healing ponds in nature on the Big Island of Hawaii where the Kahunas of old guided others to heal into wholeness.